Thank you for taking the time to seek clarification about something affecting you on the main site. It's nice to see some different people make use of the Meta site.
Your question was most likely closed as unclear as there is limited information about your problem in the question. You didn't make it explicit what wasn't working or what you had tried and the results obtained from trying different solutions.
For example you were facing a problem with the monitor, which could have been caused by the Pi. However, in your question you did not specify if you had got the monitor to work with a different device, or if the Pi worked with a different monitor.
When trying to solve a technical issue like the one you experienced, before seeking advice online its really important you go through some sort of troubleshooting process. Having a go at isolating the problem is the first step to take. That way if you then can't figure out what the problem is after that, at least when you ask other people for help they have some sort of starting point for solving the problem.
You can of course go back and edit your question to include relevant detail to the problem and request the question be re-opened. I suggest re-formatting the question so it follows some kind of logical sequence. The reason the question has so many comments on it is because people were trying to figure out exactly what the problem was.