Because of the Pi's usage in electronics projects, we have a few questions related to connecting the Pi to various circuitry, which occasionally will require diagrams to demonstrate how it could work.
So should we have a (Circuit Labs) Schematics function, similar to those used on EE (see here)?
As far as I remember, I think most users currently do circuit diagrams using codeblocks, vague photos, screenshots of schematic programs (e.g. Fritzing).... I gave up trying this on one question and just screenshotted EE's question editor :-/
Also, would this have problems with software licensing etc?
Users on other sites like Arduino (A51), DIY seem to want it as well. It also seems to be available on Amateur Radio (Beta).
Similar question on MathJax support. Also EE's feature request.
I thought this had already been asked here (might have been another site), but I couldn't find any questions on it....