The response was pretty underwhelming, which is still better than "overwhelmingly negative", but it does imply there is not enough interest for anyone for anyone in a position to act to take notice.
Anyway, the discussion seems to have stalled at that point and onethe best place to start would be to pick it up there. It could be something that will become more of an issue if a wave of similar long term beta sites are graduated.
Keep in mind again that part of what makes things problematic for us is an unusually low participation rate in terms of voting; the last point would not be such a big deal otherwise (meaning, again, the system already works as is most places). So I think partPart of what we have to do is justify why thatthis is part of the the nature of our peculiar beast, and something that is unlikely to change, but should be acknowledged and adapted for because there is some reasonable explanation for it.